Java Visuals







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Java Visuals


Alex Warp This will warp an image by click and drag from your mouse pretty cool
Rotator Takes an image and rotates it     
Running Rainbow this will make a great horizontal line
Light This makes an image appear to have a neon affect
Email This is a nice animated mail man click on it to send email
Animated Button the name says it put your cursor over this and see it animate
Wave Take an image and make it wave in the wind
Circles This makes circles animate - mesmerize em
Eyes These eyes are watching you, and if you drag the pointer through it the eyes follow, and watch out you can take an eye out!
Star  Here's a star field to add to your page, this can be as small or large as you like. Click on the applet and watch it take you for a ride.
Lake This takes an image and gives it the affect of it being reflected off water
Kisser This takes 2 images and sound to make a nice affect

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GY Enterprise
Established 1997