Reference material for Lesson 1- FrontPage Express
Print this Page nowOpening a web page - click on the open folder icon and then select the file to open.
Bold text - Click on the B button
Italic text - Click on the I button
Underline text - Click on the U button
Increased Size text - Click on the larger A buttton
Decreased Size text - Click on smaller A button
Colored text - Click on the color icon and choose the color from the color table.
Selecting Text-
Hold down the left mouse button and run the mouse pointer over the text.
Center Text - click on the center button
Align Left - click on the align left button
Align right - click on the right align button
Page properties - 2 ways to get here , click on file and scroll down to page properties or click on format and scroll down to background
Page properties background - this is where you make color changes as a whole page for text , hyper links (active visited), background, or to place a background image to the page.
Page Properties General - this is where you set up the title as well as the location of the page as well as frame source and base location. Also this is where you set up a background sound.
Page properties Margins - here you adjust the margins for the top and left of the page.
Page Properties custom - this is where you will add meta tags for search engines. ( to be discussed later)
Create a hyperlink - type the name of the link and highlight the text click on the hyperlink button while the text is highlighted.