Reference material for Lesson 1- FrontPage Express
Print this Page nowOpening a web page - click on the open folder icon and then select the file to open.
Bold text - Click on the Bold button
Italic text - Click on the Italics button
Underline text - Click on the Underline button
Increased Size text - Click on the size arrow and choose the size
Decreased Size text - Click on size arrow and choose the size
Colored text - Click on the color arrow and choose the color from the color table.
Selecting Text-
Hold down the left mouse button and run the mouse pointer over the text.
Center Text - click on the align button and then the center button
Align Left - click on the align button and then choose the align left button
Align right - click on the align button and choose the align right button
Page properties - click on format and scroll down to Page Colors and Properties
Page Page Colors and Properties background - this is where you make color changes as a whole page for text , hyper links (active visited), background, or to place a background image to the page.
Page Colors and Properties General - this is where you set up the title author information description as well as keywords and classifications.
Page Colors and Properties Meta Tags - here you add tags for the search engines and more. ( to be discussed later)
Create a link - type the name of the link and highlight the text click on the hyperlink button while the text is highlighted.